Most Cases are Reduced or Dismissed: We are proud of our record with our clients. You deserve an attorney who can help prevent you from acquiring a criminal record.

Award Winning Book Author

Tracey Wood is a widely respected resource for criminal and OWI-related defense. As an author and attorney, her work is frequently cited by other defense attorneys, prosecutors, and even judges.

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We take pride in educating any potential clients through our free case assessments. Even if you choose not to hire us, you will have a better outlook on your case after meeting with us.

Question: Can You Explain What Actual Physical Control Means in Wisconsin?

Answer: In Wisconsin, we don’t actually call it “actual physical control.” The issue is whether or not a person is operating a motor vehicle. Now, that can be either on a highway or upon premises held open to the public. And operation in Wisconsin does not mean you have to just be driving your car on the road; you can be sitting in your vehicle with the ignition on and still be charged because the issue is whether or not you have actually manipulated any of the controls in the vehicle. We, in this firm, did have a recent appeal of a trial court decision where a person was found guilty of operation for sitting in a running vehicle in a bar parking lot. I was able to get a reversal on that because the city was not able to prove exactly when the controls were manipulated and if they were manipulated by my client. So there are defenses in those situations.

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